Parish Council Meetings

Medstead Parish Council Meetings

Medstead Parish Council normally meets every month, on the second Wednesday at 7.30pm in Medstead Village Hall. 


Members of the public on the electoral role or as a permanent resident of the Parish are invited to attend the meeting and can speak on any matter for a maximum of three minutes in an "Open Session" at the start of the meeting.


Generally, Finance & General Purposes Committee meetings start at 7.30pm with the Planning Committee and Maintenance Committee meetings starting at 6.00pm, normally held in the Village Hall. However there may be exceptions to this, so please refer to the specific meeting agenda for confirmation of the location and timings.


Members of the public and the press are welcome to attend meetings of the Council and its Committees. Relevant documentation is available from the Parish Clerk in advance on request.


General questions will be taken before the main business of the meeting and any comments on an agenda item will be taken at the appropriate time. Matters requiring further consideration will receive a reply in writing.

Schedule of Meetings

Scheduled Parish Council and Committee meetings for the next calendar year are listed below. Please see individual meeting details for the latest information.
 Medstead Parish Council 2024 Meeting dates