Medstead Parish Council Parish Budget / Precept

At the Full Council meeting on 8th November 2023, it was RESOLVED:-


a. to set the budget for 2024/25 (minute ref 23.154 (iv)) to £74,402.38 and

b. to set the precept for 2024/25 (minute ref 23.154 (iv) at £67,800.

This represents a 14.33% increase over the 2023/24 precept. This increase is due mainly to increased contractor costs, increased salary cost, the new requirement to pay council tax on the Sports Pavilion, plus an increase in reserves held to cover such items as legal costs, parish office equipment and future Village Green play equipment replacement.

The budget for Medstead Parish Council (2024/25) along with the Standing Orders, Summary of the Fixed Asset Register, Financial Regulations, CIL Report(s), Council Grants & Expenses policies are shown via the link(s) below.