Medstead Parish Council's Role in Planning

This page is still work in progress.

Medstead Parish Council is a statutory consultee on planning applications submitted to East Hants District Council within the Medstead Parish. Statutory consultees: are organisations and bodies, defined by statute, who must be consulted on relevant planning applications. 

Medstead Parish Council has delegated its response to planning applications to its Planning Committee which meets monthly, either before the Full Council meeting or incorporated within the Full Council meeting, dependent on the number and complexity of applications that need addressing within each month. Councillors consider planning applications objectively with full regard to the Four Marks and Medstead Neighbourhood Plan, the EHDC Local Plan (Joint Core Strategy) and any other environmental, drainage, highway or other related factors or legislation. 

Although councillors meet to agree planning application responses at its Planning Committee or Full Council meetings, councillors dedicate considerable time to doing preparatory work outside of meetings to make sure the decisions are the best when taking into account all considerations and take their role as statutory consultees very seriously and transparently. A councillor will withdraw from any discussions or recommendations on planning applications if they have any connection to the people or property concerned.

Whilst Medstead Parish Council has a statutory right to give its views on any planning application, the final decision lies with East Hants District Council Planning Department, and they do not have any obligation to comply with Medstead Parish Council's views. 

Medstead Parishioners are welcome to attend any Planning Committee meeting and speak on any planning related issue at the beginning of the meeting for up to three minutes to share their views with councillors. They can also independently respond to any planning application within the consultation deadline on the EHDC Planning Portal,

Medstead Parish Councillor responses to recent planning applications will soon be available here.

Quick Links
East Hants District Council Planning Portal
Four Marks and Medstead Neighbourhood Plan
East Hants District Council Local Plan
Medstead Parish Council's response to Planning Applications
Planning applications currently being considered
National Planning Policy Framework 

 Home - Medstead Parish Council



Hart Hill, Grosvenor Road, Medstead, Alton

Proposed Barn for agricultural storage, with potential for up to 8 bays, any of which may be used for a variety of storage purposes.


Causton House, Trinity Hill, Medstead, Alton, GU34 5LT

Felling of 1No. Lawson Cypress tree (T2) (E.H.807) (The Rectory, Church House Cottage & Church House, Trinity Hill, Medstead) Tree Preservation Order 2008.


Hill Copse, Red Hill, Medstead, Alton, GU34 5EE

Single storey extensions to front, side and rear, raised patio, and new pitched roof over existing garage (Revised scheme).


Highmead, 40 Abbey Road, Medstead, Alton, GU34 5PB

Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed loft conversion with. insertion of roof lights.


Mandalay Lodge, Goatacre Road, Medstead, Alton, GU34 5PU

Demolish existing stable and re-build like for like to form annexe accommodation for family members to stay when visiting.


Old Barn, Stancomb Broad Lane, Medstead, Alton, GU34 5QD

Proposed ancillary accommodation in existing single storey outbuilding.


The Dillen, High Street, Medstead, Alton, GU34 5LN

Two storey side and single storey rear wraparound extension with additional dormer to front and solar panels to rear following demolition of rear conservatory & utility room and a reduction in the height of the chimney.


Tanglewood, Grosvenor Road, Medstead, Alton, GU34 5JE

Single storey side and rear extensions, new porch to front with internal and external alterations comprising of new windows, doors, roof lights and cladding. Extension to garage outbuilding with raising of roof. Side extension to rear barn outbuilding. New entrance gate and fencing. Alterations to forecourt and raised patio to rear and sides.


Prosit, Roe Downs Road, Medstead, Alton, GU34 5LG

Pitched roof over flat roofed garage and single storey extension.

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